OTSE OMANIKULT oksjon. Maaportaal OÜ ei vastuta avaldatud Objekti andmete tõelevastavuse, Objekti kvaliteedi ja Objekti kvantideeti eest ega osale müügiprotsessis vahendaja või maaklerina. Täpsem info Tingimustes punkt 10.
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Auction details
Auction begins
27.09.2018 10:00
Auction ends
04.10.2018 16:00
Extended ending 10 minutes
Starting Price
5 000 €
Price step
100 €
Deadline to sign the contract
14 päeva
Place to sign the contract
Signing the contract
payment of the costs involved
Other terms
Tehingu toimumisel tuleb ostusumma kanda notari deposiitkontole
Time until the end of auction: 11 päeva, 16 tundi, 21 minutit
Bid history
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Küsi infot: “Kalju maaüksus”
Küsi infot: “Kalju maaüksus”
Küsimus on edastatud
Oksjon “Kalju maaüksus”
Oksjon “Kalju maaüksus”
Kiri on edastatud
Oksjon “Kalju maaüksus”
Oksjon “Kalju maaüksus”
Kiri on edastatud
Session will end 5 min pärast
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Want to know what's going on near your properties? Who are the owners of the neighboring properties? As a user of the map application BRONZE package, this and much more is available to you. In addition, you can add one sale ad and a starting auction for FREE every month.
Be the first to know about new properties for sale on the Land Portal and take part in DIRECT from the OWNER auctions without participation fees! If you want to increase your land ownership and take part in auctions and see sales contacts, then the SILVER package is right for you.
Maximize the Land Portal environment - save time and money and plan your work more efficiently. As a user of the GOLD package, you will be the first to know about properties coming up for sale near your property, add FREE ads and auctions and much more !.
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Activate UKO+map layer
Activate UKO+map layer
3.99 €Soil map layer
Soil map layer
1.99 €Restriction map layer
Restriction map layer
1.99 €Forest allocation map layer
Forest allocation map layer
1.99 €
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